Daniel Heer


Daniel Heer, a young swiss designer now living and working in Berlin shared his work with us. Besides his fine horsehair mattresses called ROSSHAAR and lovely seating cubes called KEIL (made from walnut wood and leather a.o.) he creates this fantastic collection of bags called CHROM. Functional aesthetics and high-quality materials all come together in these minimalistic leather bags.

The name CHROM, derived from the Greek term chromos, stands for two aspects of this line: the material—the exquisite chrome tanned cowhide—and its color. First developed in 1858 the tanning process with chromium salts makes cowhide particularly durable without adversely impacting its look and feel.


The un-dyed chrome tanned cowhide bags have a distinctive white hue that acquires a patina from the owner’s individual use. Reflected in this dynamic coloring is the notion of vulnerability as a function of time. In addition to the unusual material, another distinctive feature of the bags is the outwardly displayed stitching. Rather than concealing the bag’s seams, Daniel Heer consciously uses these as a design element. He reveals how the bags are made and refers thus to the working process.


Daniel Heer comes from a family with a long history of experience in the traditional art of leather and horsehair craftsmanship. His great-grandfather Benedikt Heer first began fabricating leather and horsehair mattresses in 1890. Daniel Heer benefited from this family tradition in apprenticing as an upholsterer and saddle maker in his hometown of Lucerne before relocating to Berlin to work as an artist and designer.


The “Chrom I” model is inspired by the traditional bags of Swiss postmen at the beginning of the XX century… Daniel Heers great-grandfather used to manufacture them in Lucerne.
