Minnesota day three

We had a busy schedule to look forward to so we got up early. No rise and shine but after another American breakfast we were ready for action. We visited “Plant 2” which is the current Red Wing Shoes factory where we were guided through all the different divisions of the manufacturing process. This place has astonishing maximum capacity of producing around 8000 pairs a day. Crazy. Some of the machines that are still in use are more then a 100 years old. For example, the triple-stitch Puritan sewing machine was already patented in 1893. This man, a retired employee we spoke with, had operated this machinery for 44 years. After being retired, he recently got called back because of his extensive knowledge of the machine and he still enjoyed every single day. This is living the brand to the maximum, don’t you agree?

After a boxed lunch at the Red Wing Shoes HQ we were taken on an in-depth tour of the Red Wing Shoes office and brand store. Again, a very inspiring day! Tomorrow we are going to the S.B. Foot Tannery. We will keep you posted.