Minnesota day four

S.B. Foot Tannery is a magical place for producing leather. Big thanks to Daryl Mark – with more than 30 years of experience – for investing the time to learn us everything about the tanning process. After filling fifteen notebook pages and taking at least six hundred pictures, we can almost turn a steer hide into a premium piece of leather ourselves. Almost…

Tomorrow we will fly back to Amsterdam – really a shame, because we would like to stay for another week for inspiration and training. There is only one thing that we are not going to miss very much: the coffee… Translate “slootwater” anywhere online and you will have good description what it tastes like. ;-)

We will publish more in-depth info pictures of our adventures here in Minnesota as soon as possible. Big thanks to Red Wing Shoes and Tenue de Nimes for making it possible to travel to the work boot capital of the world.